you may adopt my dolls if no nasty texts
in sight stating otherwise :D ! always link back, text-link
is brilliantly enough for me. no direct linking = use your
very own web-space. no frankendolling or other
sort of icky cutting and pasting activities. thank you very much.
- be nice and i'll be nice :> ok? ok! :P
[ gifts all three
-no no no av / sig /adopt]
[me + my sis - no av/sig]
[no adopt]
this was my first take on my elli-base :>
to avoid too sporty an impression, i decided
she should wear some second hand corduroy-trousers,,, ;D
them boxing-shoes i like alot,,, :>
and the fake ad*das original jacket,,, ;>
mmmh,,, them legwarmers
again,,, ;D
astonishingly cute base from kiss
me sweet.
pixel by pixel was he built to take part in the 'suatre' character
contest at dolly
famous, but now that hannahbelle said she'd quit :*< i've
given him a new home here,,,
dearest hannahbelle, thanks for a huge amount of inspiration!
made for a base edit -contest at doodle
dollies. i'm still rather proud of the jeans,,, hihi :>
i'm gonna live forever!
i'm gonna learn how to fly - high!
another young lady for my 'berlinerin' -series:
the best thing about the continuous comeback
of the 80's is, that the berlinerin never really
gave up the decade in the first place! ;P
the tacky easter-egg-jewelry, legwarmers and
coloured mascara [that makes your eyes look
infected] are still in the heavy rotation -box,,,
this madam, in her stonewashed jeans skirt
accompanied by socks from her grandfather,
with her not-that-recently-updated do, is
now officially opening my 'berlinerin'* -series ;>
*a female citizen in berlin, germany.
a natural born berlinerin or a chosen status,
all the same - what counts is the attitude ;]
known to be a wild mix of arrogance, courage
and sentimentality. she's ironic, impulsive and independent - just
to mention a few of the
stereotypical definitions of this mystic species
of it's very own,,,
if uncertain - keep out of her way! ;>
my sugar ;]
thoroughly casual but solemnly sweet :>
appearance that someone today [sometime in june
:>] described 'the gardener' -look,,, *lol* can't possibly
have anything to do with the 'do ---[or no'do] --- that -yet again-
is approaching surreal dimensions,,,? ;D why shave when you can
[enter something fun here]?! ;P
- do not tease, adopt or use as av/sig :>
this pocket-size gentleman was made on edwin's
male bratt base, originally for the base edit contest at flipped
creations, but instead of flipping he flopped,,, :P
this pretty young thing is celebrating the
30th anniversary of ziggy stardust,,, keep those heels hot,
boy ;> !
my first-ever doll - turned out meg ryanish,,,?
:] - with pretty obvious coloured contact lenses, but also
with authentic betty
bund -jeans :>